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Donor Services Provided by GMCF and WCF

The Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation and their staffs are enthusiastic in their desire to offer and provide a variety of programs, services and resources to assist donors of all types to make the most of their gift planning decisions.  These services are specifically designed to provide guidance to donors in choosing how their charitable dollars can provide full enjoyment and satisfaction to them from a meaningful giving experience.  The following represent some of the services available to Donors to assist them in making educated gifting choices. 

Explore your Charitable Options

It has often been observed that for as many motivations as there are for charitable giving, there exists a like amount of ways for donors to give.  In the search for a rewarding giving experience, the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation and their staff can assist donors in determining what giving plan represents the best, most satisfying fit for the donor’s charitable priorities, financial goals and personal grant awarding preferences. 

Maximizing the Benefit of Donated Gift Dollars 

As public charities, the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation can provide maximum tax advantages for most gifts under current, applicable provisions of federal tax law. Donors and their advisors are invited to compare the choice of the cost-effective alternatives of establishing a fund with a community foundation to the costs and time required to establish a private foundation.  Furthermore, through the stewardship available from and provided by the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation in preserving and investing endowed funds, donor gifts to such funds increase from being invested over time as well as from future additional donations made to such funds. 

Learn About Community Needs and Gifting Opportunities

The governing boards and professional staff of both the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation monitor the most urgent and pressing needs and greatest opportunities afforded for charitable giving in each of the communities they serve. Both GMCF and WCF have strong relationships with local nonprofits through partnering for charitable causes devoted to carrying out diverse missions through their work in the arts, community development, education, environment,  health and human services and community improvement, and are further dedicated to sharing their knowledge and community involvement with others. 

Advising in Concert with a Donor’s Estate or Financial Planner

The Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation welcome the opportunity to work with a donor’s estate planner, financial and investment planners and managers and other professional advisors who are entrusted by the donors to formulate charitable giving solutions that are right for each particular donor. The partnering of donor advisors with GMCF and WCF personnel is a collaborative effort specifically focused on enhancing the financial, personal and community benefits realized by donors through strategic charitable giving. 

Donor Involvement in Giving- The Before and After

In choosing to establish and donate to a Donor Advised Fund, the donor has made the conscious decision to remain involved in the giving process by creating and preserving the opportunity to make recommendations for how monies and grants from such funds are used, both currently and in the future.  Through the diverse fund creation options made available by the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation, donors also have the choice to establish other types of funds for their gifts, including a Field of Interest Fund or Designated Fund, each of which is designed to support either a defined cause or a particular organization. Through GMCF and WCF, donors are also provided with the opportunity to give to unrestricted endowment funds established for the express purpose of supporting diverse and changing causes in the community for the foreseeable future. 

Enjoying the Experience without the Burdensome Tasks

In contrast to creating a separate private foundation, experienced, professional staffs from the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation are available to address and complete all of the administrative requirements and responsibilities incurred in gift planning and the creation and gifting to the fund that normally follows.  The services provided by these Foundations include preparation of all necessary  fund documentation, investment management and required due diligence in giving and grant making and grant disbursement, all of which enable donors to remained focused on their goal of giving to those charitable causes deemed important by them. 

The Ultimate in Personal Giving – Creation of a Legacy

The Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation are committed to assisting donors in their decision to establish an endowed fund in the name the donor chooses:  whether to honor a loved one, to establish a family legacy, to attract and rally others to a particular charitable cause, to inspire others to give, to demonstrate corporate support for the community or for a host of other reasons for which a donor may wish to create a lasting endowment fund.   Grants from such funds may be given in the name of the fund or, at the direction of a donor, given anonymously.  The Wamego Foundation has also determined to recognize and honor donors who have included the Wamego Community Foundation as a beneficiary in their final estate plans by disseminating this information through various media outlets and publications. 

Connecting with Others in the Passion of Charitable Giving

Part of the respective missions and goals of the Manhattan Foundation and the Wamego Foundation during the course of their daily activities is to connect people who care with those charitable and philanthropic causes that matter not only to them, but also to others as well.  Part of the efforts of  these two Foundations are focused on providing donors and fund holders with opportunities to network with each other and with other community-focused individuals who share common interests and passions. 

The Pathway to Charitable Giving

To receive more information about charitable giving strategies and to begin laying the foundation for a personalized giving plan, prospective donors are invited to contact the Wamego Community Foundation at 785-477-3277 and the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation at 785-587-8995.